Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nuit blanche

I have never had such a change of heart about spending time alone as I did in the last 4 hours. At 1.30 am, I got home from spending most of Saturday out with friends and knew I would be high on caffeine for hours. I wanted to go to Nuit Blanche but I was scared to leave the house at 2 am and wander around Toronto on my own in the freezing cold. I am so glad I talked myself into it. It was great! In fact, if I'm still here next year, I'm going to do it on my own again instead of finding someone else to go with. It was so much better to pick the exhibits I wanted to see and spend as much time taking photos as I felt I needed. It was wonderful to experience it on my own. And then I ran into a friend and saw the last two exhibits with her which was fun. I wish it went on longer so that I could see more of the exhibits and really spend time taking them in. If I wasn't so tired, I would be thoroughly energized right now. I will post a couple of photos later but now I'm going to brush my teeth, call A and get into bed.


Alexandreena said...

Oh. I had so much fun at Nuit Blanche last night. I did go with a large group of people though, so I had to sort of rush through the things I would have liked to spend more time taking in and did quite a bit of waiting around for people to take in what they did like...but great fun nonetheless.

I miss TO so much right now...

Ms Behaviour said...

If you come visit, I will consider revealing my secret identity to you.