Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I just spoke to one of the other grad students and I am reminded that things could be much worse. I could be stuck in a lab crying my eyes out right now - which is what she is doing - but I'm not. I'm home and I get to go to bed right after I finish writing this post. I am done my lab work and now it is up to me to write and present and submit and defend. I have a job. I have food in the fridge. I have money in the bank. I have a car and a nice apartment. I have awesome friends. Okay, I'm single. I miss C le V but he didn't hurt me today because he didn't contact me today. Maybe I won't hear from him again and he won't ever hurt me again. Same goes for Grey. On the whole, I am happy and wouldn't change my life. Well, unless someone told me to kick off my flip flops and put my ass down in a chair already so he could get me a pina colada and fan me gently with a banana leaf.


Ms Behaviour said...

Oh yeah, Happy St Paddy's Day! Kiss me, I'm Irish ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you ol' lad :) And a Top of the day to ye as well :)
(typed in my best/worst Irish Accent)

Anonymous said...

You. Me. Cabo. When? :D

And a big virtual Luck-of-the-Irish kiss from me to you!

Ms Behaviour said...

I'm free this weekend :) Actually, Baby is heading to Irvine for work in April and I was thinking of tagging along. Wanna go on a road trip?

Anonymous said...

Let me know what weekend before April gets all booked up with camping trips and work and I'm there!