Thursday, September 25, 2008

It didn't work. I tossed and turned and thrashed and moaned and it was not a pleasant night for anyone. I'm exhausted but I'm going to yoga in an hour. Hopefully that will make me feel better. I'm not sure that I'm up to boxing tonight. Perhaps I am trying to do too much...


Anonymous said...

(sort of a comment on both posts here)

I usually find that if I can't get to sleep by, say, 2:00, I just sort of give up and pull an all nighter. Surf the web, watch a movie, whatever. Trying to get to sleep just throws off my body clock, and it's much easier to just push through and collapse for a good night's rest the next night...

Ms Behaviour said...

I'm rarely in bed by 2 am. 4 am is closer to the norm, as you might be able to tell from my blogging time stamps. I'm definitely going to boxing in an hour. I am also not going to watch any TV tonight. That might be contributing to the problem more than being stressed out about school and work and money. I have to go to the office tomorrow so fingers crossed that I'm not totally useless in the morning.