Thursday, May 7, 2009


My supervisors set a defense date for me today. They want a first draft of my manuscript by the end of May and are planning for me to defend on July 23. I'm going to be very, very busy. I'm so anxious that I'm too paralyzed to do anything right now. I'm tempted to go to the mall and work off my anxiety with my credit card. MFV told me to go buy a pair of "thesis" shoes. They'll make me feel better. I would marry that guy if I could. But going to the mall would be an unproductive waste of time so I'm going to shop for shoes online instead. What I really need is breakfast.


Anonymous said...

So are you one of those women who has a closet or two full of shoes?

Ms Behaviour said...

Yes :) I live alone so I do what I want with my space. The hallway closet is full of shoes. In summer, when I have more shoes to select from, I line them up in the front hallway. Sometimes I get comments but I so rarely have people over that it's not that big a deal. I figure, if I'm going to be alone, I might as well use the space in my apartment in a way that works for me. It makes me happy to see my shoes waiting for me at home at the end of the day.

Asshat said...

Better shoes than the marriage idea. It's much easier to get another pair of shoes if the fit's not right.

Amy said...

Do you color code organize them? I do :) Is'nt is GREAT to live alone (...well, sometimes?)... :)