Friday, February 15, 2008

Funny Valentine

I decided to keep the card. I sent Grey a Valentine's email instead. I thought it was pretty funny. And then I got a "thanks for thinking of me but I'm going to the game tonight" email in response. I wasn't expecting anything from him. I should have expected less. I didn't think I would end up feeling quite so unspecial.

Fortunately, my sanity and self-esteem were preserved for the most part by spending the evening with good friends and baby. Shortly after I got home, Grey sent me an email. "Are you still up!" The incorrect use of the exclamation mark bothered me only slightly. It was followed closely by a Valentine's Day booty call which I politely declined on account of having to work tomorrow. How charming. I'm not sure what to do next though as I did say he should try booty calling tomorrow night. Overall, I was feeling pretty good about myself. Strong for not caving in to him even though I want to see him so much.

Then, someone in the blogosphere made me laugh. Let's call him Asshat, because that's what he calls himself. I discovered a new blog recently. Asshat leaves comments that make me laugh. He's unlikely to be that funny in reality but I could care less because I'm not what I appear to be either. But he did make me laugh again today. He quoted me My Funny Valentine. I'm still smiling so I'm choosing to take that smile to sleep tonight. Hopefully it will fight off the tears for one night.

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