Monday, June 22, 2009

An inch might as well be a mile

Okay, I'm not mopey and forlorn anymore. The pity party is over. I slept last night. Which is weird for a Sunday night. I can't remember the last time I slept on a Sunday night. But I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Weird. Then I spent most of the day at work thesising. Ssssh don't tell anyone. And I spent all day looking forward to my first belly dancing class. This is something I have wanted to do for some time now but I wanted my friend to teach me. I better come up with a name for her....


I wanted Slinky to be the one to teach me. She is an amazing dancer and has been doing the belly dance thing for years. She performs on weekends (in addition to holding down a full-time day job) and she is good. She's not dirty or skanky like a lot of belly dancers you see performing in restaurants or festivals. She is graceful and beautiful and she has a sort of childish innocence that isn't naive at all. I'm not doing justice to her art form. Anyway, I wanted her to be my teacher. So when she phoned me last week to say she was teaching a beginner class, I signed up on the spot. $135 for 8 weeks from 7 to 8 pm on Monday nights. I'm so excited. Fortunately I have years of classical dance training (ballet and bharatnatyam) not to mention salsa and ballroom and swing to build on so I'm not starting totally from scratch. Did I mention that I'm excited?

Anyway, I was going somewhere with this post. I have mostly learned to be somewhat happy with the way that my body looks. I'm never going to be skinny (again) and I work out to feel strong and healthy. I have a few goals, some of which I actively work towards. Like being able to touch my toes. And holding downward dog without wanting to fall on my head. And running without breaking my knees. I would love to be able to do a headstand or a cartwheel again. Or even Bakasana with my feet off the floor.

But you know what I would really love? I would love to lose an inch off my waist. I should stop participating in free ice cream day at the office. And maybe not eat a garlic pretzel at 9 pm. (Oh the plus side, no vampires in my house toight!). But I love food. I'm thinking about dedicating my thesis to Pillsbury brownies in a tube.


Anonymous said...

I once did some photography work for a couple of friends-of-a-friend who did belly dancing and performed at local coffee houses. They made all their own costumes, and the work was pretty intricate.

As for your figure, I'm living in a town where people are abnormally (and often artificially) skinny. It's creepy.

Ms Behaviour said...

Yeah GH, I know. I am "average" here in Canadia but I would be the FAT girl in Cali.

Awkward, for you said...

If a girl had anorexia they would be the fat girl in California--adding my two cents.

Ms Behaviour said...

LMFAO Awkward! (Where F=Fat!)

Asshat said...

I live in the land of buy-one-get-one-free pizza where people are morbidly obese. You only realize it 6 months out of the year when they aren't wearing their overstuffed down coats. I'm sure your extra inch is no big deal.