Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oops I did it again

I'm totally freaking out. I saw the new guy this evening (okay it was this morning, like a few minutes ago) and, when he dropped me off at my place, he leaned over as I was getting out of the car. At the time, I thought he was leaning over for a kiss, so I had to make a split second decision.

This was my rationale. I suspect I'm being neurotic and crazy.

1. This doesn't appear to be a hug lean.
2. If I kiss him on the cheek, will that instantly relegate us to friend status?
3. I can't kiss this guy on the lips! I don't even know his last name!
4. Fuck. What to do?

So I kissed him on the lips. It was very quick and very chaste. But what if he didn't want me to kiss him?! What if I just kissed a guy on the lips who didn't want me to kiss him on the lips?! Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed. I guess I'll find out if I never hear from him again, right?


PS New guy's blog name is 516. Last night (Friday night - which was also when I met him!), when I asked him how tall he was, he said 5'16". Funny guy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those tall bastards, always getting the pretty girls over us "average height" guys...

Valley Girl said...

OMG tell me about it. But dating is fun too, no?

Ms Behaviour said...

Actually GH, I prefer to date short guys. I have a theory...