Monday, April 6, 2009

Liars vs. jerks.

Today I learned that I should never trust a man who doesn't freely admit to being a jerk. (Thanks for the tip, GH). I think that makes an excellent corollary to last night's lesson: zero tolerance for assholes.

Asshat, is there a difference between an asshole and a jerk? If yes, how do I spot them?

Okay, that's really all I got for tonight. I ran into one of the other grad students at the gym and we spent two hours not working out very hard. Until we got to the pirates component of Body Flow. I don't care if I hurt my back tonight. I'm going to the ball class tomorrow. That instructor was cute. I will probably fall flat on my ass again when I try to do side plank on the ball on my left side. But that's adorable right? Right.


Anonymous said...

I admit it, I'm a jerk. Probably, at times, an asshole too. Just ask my co-workers. ;)

If you ever fall down in front of me, I promise to say that it's adorable. Even though I'll probably be chuckling...

Anonymous said...

I think liar and jerk are kinda synonymous, perhaps it's just me. Meanwhile, you can tell the difference by the level is the only way I can tell.

Asshat said...

An asshole is what you call a jerk when you're through with him. It's retrospective.

Ms Behaviour said...

Oh Asshat, where have you been? From now on, I don't date anyone without your prior approval. So how was Cleveland? It's snowing in Toronto but you missed the nicest weekend ever in the history of early Aprils.

Asshat said...

Cleveland was as lovely as it's been depicted in story and song. Actually, the seminar wasn't even in Cleveland, it was in Independence, sort of Cleveland's Brampton.

It's snowed here all week, too, and I'm sick of looking at it. Sorry I didn't make it up there, but you just never know.