Saturday, December 26, 2009

I almost dated Jesus

So, apparently, when you date an almost 40-year old Spanish Catholic man who was born on Christmas Day and whose name is Jesus, you don't get to see him that day because his parents won't let him come out and play. Apparently, this also means that you wake up on Boxing Day with no desire to fool around with him anymore.

It's a good thing I still have Don Draper and Robert Langdon to get me through the rest of the holidays!


SaneAndSingle said...

Over already??

Asshat said...

Maybe he's spending the day playing a part in a living nativity scene or some such crazy thing. Well, happy Boxing Day, whatever that really is.

SaneAndSingle said...

Yes, what is Boxing Day exactly?

Ms Behaviour said...

It's the Canadian equivalent of your Black Friday. I suspect Asshat was just being facetious and lovable as usual.

Anonymous said...