Friday, January 29, 2010

Back that Hyundai up...

Dammit to hell I hate women drivers! I was in my underground parking lot, just trying to get upstairs to bed because I'm sick and being stubborn about taking drugs. Perhaps if I had been properly medicated, my reaction time would have been faster and I would have been able to throw my car into reverse when the woman in front of me decided to back up without checking to see who was behind her.

She slammed into me pretty hard. Not a glance behind her at all. She was young and driving her daddy's car. She was profusely apologetic but I got her insurance information anyway. I think I'm fine - I'm shaking and in pain but that could be because I'm sick - and I don't really see any damage to the car. But it's going on a train across the country in less than a month so I don't want to take any chances.

I really need a hug. Enough to let Jesus come over with dinner and hold my hand while I drink my neo-citran. Actually, he did that the last two nights so clearly it has more to do with me being a big sucky baby when I'm sick than getting slammed in the front end. It turns out that the things I find most annoying when I'm fine are the things I find most comforting when I'm sick. I didn't ask him to hold my hand. He just did it. And for a while, I kept moving my hand away and then he would reach for it again later. He has been very attentive. Which is nice, for now. Until my glands are no longer swollen.

I know I'm a terrible person for taking advantage - and how bitchy am I when I'm not sick that those things annoy the hell out of me? - but I'm sure that he's just waiting until I'm well and truly dosed up on decongestant and antihistamines and ibuprofen to take advantage of me!


Asshat said...

So, Jesus got forgiven? That's sort of a switch. Or, was it your glands?

SaneAndSingle said...

Hope you feel better soon!! And don't let Jesus take advantage of you...well, unless you want to...

Ms Behaviour said...

He was so late with dinner and His excuse so lame - he lost track of time while drinking beer with his coworkers - that I have permanently unforgiven him.

Anonymous said...

at least he was honest. he could have made up something more elaborate...i don't know, somehow i'd prefer that excuse to something more long-winded..

Ms Behaviour said...

I would prefer he actually leaves when he says he's leaving, especially when he was the one who proposed the idea and set the timing.

Anonymous said...

true, true. i think i might just have crappy standards....

Jenny DB said...

uuggh so annoying. had one of these accidents today... LAME> hope you're feeling better soon