Sunday, November 1, 2009


Did you know that, in the UK, they call teeter-totters "see-saws"? I grew up with see-saws. I feel like I'm on one right now. It sucks ass. On Friday afternoon, I talked to the other guy at the office. That man could sell crap to a crap salesman (sorry to whomever I plagiarized that from but it's apt and I would reference you if I remembered who you were, seriously). Anyway, I'm now waffling between 90% and 99% decided on the west coast. So much so that I'm started to get all weepy and shit thinking about the people I will be leaving behind. Again. I even got all teary when douchebag texted me, "i don't want you to go". Faaaak. But I want to go. I do. I just wish I could take everyone with me.


Asshat said...

And leave all of us here in the damned snow?!

Unknown said...

Do what's best for you! Toronto isn't going anywhere. You can always come back and visit and/or move back. Nothing is forever!

Ms Behaviour said...

Come with me Asshat?

Em, if I do go, maybe we could meet before I leave?

Awkward, for you said...

I would LOVE to meet up :)